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| Bioland Food The constant growing exigence to eat ''healthily'' has been the aim to create a new company able to offer a wide range of organic products which can cover any demand. Totally organic products, without artificial flavourings and additives are availabl... Member since 30 July, 2006, Italy - Lombardia |
Primary Business Type(s): Trading Company Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
No Logo | Lod's Brothers srl We are an Italian Trading Company working in the frozen food field. We are distributor of the best Ice cream from Sicily with the typical Sicilian flavours made with the top ingredients. We also supply original frozen appetizers and frozen Pizza from... Member since 18 May, 2011, Italy - Lombardia |
No Logo | Life snack s.r.l L' azienda Lifesnack produce estrusi di qualsiasi gusto e forma, con il pregio che i suoi snack sono ricchi di omega 3, salutari per bimbi e adulti, con contenuto basso calorico, sale iodato cotti al forno, senza conservanti, senza coloranti, un alim... Member since 1 November, 2011, Italy - Lombardia |
Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| Cedrinca World'S Top Quality Italian Natural Candies. Member since 2 December, 2006, Italy - Lombardia |
Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
Related Site Sections: Trade Leads: Food - Snacks Product Showroom: Food - Snacks Biz Keywords: Food - Snacks