International Online Copyright Office (INTEROCO) is an independent registrar for any works of copyright. You can deposit anything that is copyrightable with us such as original literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works and sound recordings, including novels, poems, lyrics, songs, paintings, drawings, design, computer images, software, advertisements, logos, and even the rules of a game. We provide a depository system allowing the creators of these items to register with us worldwide. We then provide a certificate as proof that we are holding these works on their behalf. In the event of a dispute, we can be called upon to prove when the works in question were deposited with us. This online system gives the copyright owner the ability to prove that work is his own and when it was created. We are regularly Selling: copyright protection, independent registrar for any works of copyright, protection of literary and artistic works, copyright depositary. We are regularly Buying: logos, web sites, sound recordings, poems, lyrics, songs, paintings, images, software. |