Located in Levittown, Pennsylvania, we pride ourselves on being one of the original tortoise breeders in the U.S. We got our start many eon's ago, back when the Carbonemys Cofrinii roamed the earth. No, I'm kidding; it was actually 1988 when we acquired our first group of Testudo Graeca. A group which still actively produces baby tortoises for us yearly. And for everyone at home, that would be almost 30 years now! Wowza!
But, 1988 was only the beginning of our breeding program. Our actual experience with reptile's dates back to 1978, and prior to that, simple hobbyist inquiries. The evolution of herptoculture has been a heart warming, and heart-wrenching thing. We are regularly Selling: radiated tortoises, elegans tortoises, star tortoises yellow foot tortoises, russian tortoises, star tortoises lestar tortoises leopard tortoisesopard tortoises, pancake tortoises, hermanns tortoises, red foot tortoises, spider tortoises. |