Afghan Ehsan Nazari transportation company with a history of 27 years in the following activities: transit - Internal transportation logistics-clearance Vkharjy- Kalaaz all ports Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Egypt -Pakstan Iran, Dubai, Russia, China, Turkey -Bazaryaby by trained staff enough Vbatjrbh Creating profit official representative for trade and production companies | domestic and foreign | -Khryd selling a variety of goods trade. E. theoretical Afghan official member of the International Association of transport companies Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Afghanistan advice - transit companies Vbarchalany International Union (AFCO) to make sure that the Afghan Ehsan Nazari comments such as international transport Vbarchalany Afghanistan's transit union organizers companies in the first General Assembly of member business delegation led by the union membership Nmvd. dr 2006 international Chamber of commerce (AICC) gained. We are regularly Selling: green mung mung red, sesame seeds, tarnsitforwading, logistics, transportation, watermelon seed, cumin, soft drinks and energy, other food raw materials and saffron. We are regularly Buying: oil, car parts, packaging machine, a variety of motorcycle part, garments, child health, home appliances, appliance factory, appliance factory. |