South Guadalcanal Community Investment Company is newly established. The company is owned by the people of South Guadalcanal. The priority of the company to facilitate farmers products to meet the market. The company facilitate and exports products such as cocoa, coconut oil kava, coffee, noni, cassava, ginger, yam, Nali Nut, banana and many other tropical fruits. It also exports peanuts, and fish (tuna fish, fresh water fish and other products. The company also exports timber and round logs. The company is seeking buyers to buy its products. The company would greatly value industries looking for tropical products. We have large number of quantities of products mention above to sustain industries looking for those products. we a willing to establish connections and partnerships to supply those products. We are regularly Selling: cocoa, coconut, kava, noni, ginger, cassava, yam. We are regularly Buying: caned tuna fish, roofing iron, construction steels, whole products, nails, hard ware tools, agricultural tools, science equipment, fishing equipment. |