Well, bostonk plc is one of the largest suppling company in the continent of africa established in the month of octomber 1995 with just ten workers but now with more than five hundred staff working with the company in africa continent at large. the company ve more than twety five extension office throughout the african race. moreso, the company with her present good suppling skills won several honour and dignity from different african trading organisation as well as from noble men and association. with more than eleven years in trading, suppling, importing and exporting, we ve really make an impart in the whole africa as awhole. We are regularly Selling: computer hardware, laptop computer, air conditioning, mobile phones, surveyiong instrument, plasm tv, electronics, jewelries, men and women clothes. We are regularly Buying: computer hardware, laptop computer, air conditioning, mobile phones, surveyiong instrument, plasm tv, electronics, jewelries, men and women clothes. |