Make a remarkable income with a 50 year old company! No overnight and your rich, no nonsense--just a honest company with wonderful products-all from the earth and non-toxic. Join at 3 levels-$19.95-$39.95-or Golden Ambassador at $299.00--get 3 websites to advertise-No monthly fees!! People love Shaklee Products! Make that step and "Go Green". Products recently on Oprah-Time Magazine-Woman's Day-CNN--YOU WILL MAKE MONEY! Great for single parents-easy to get started. This company will be here another 50 years! Have Your own Home Business--Join US We are regularly Selling: all non-toxic products, home business, go green opportunity, retirement income, diet products, all natural vitamins, natural hair products, make-up all from the earth, non-toxic cleaners. We are regularly Buying: business items, software, womenss clothes, printers, computers, real estate, golf gear, printer ink, ebay itemshome. |