Poltavskiy Bishofit is the oldest, because it lies much more deeper than other bishofits - 2,5 km, thats why it has stronger biological effects. Poltavskiy Bishofit is the geological analogue of the Dead Sea, but in contrast to its minerals Bishofit has stronger health-improving and prophylactic properties. Stability and quantitative structure of all minerals of Poltavskiy Bishofit are unique: one litre of brine contains magnesium - up to 100 g, potassium - 10 g, calcium - up to 3 g, bromine - up to 3000 mg, iodine - up to 50 mg, more than 20 microelements: iron, silicon, selenium, silver, copper, zinc, molybdenum, etc.
Healing biological effects of Poltavskiy Bishofit became a subject of the deep studying in many scientific medical centers.
Our company "RAGS Ltd." has developed not only technology of mining and processing Bishofit, but also formulations of half-finished and finished products.
We are welcoming anyone, who join us on the way of Health and Wealth!
We are regularly Selling: preparations, based on natural mineral, poltavsky bishofit. |