Çapra is a company which is producing single layer terrazzo tiles, precast elements such as stair steps, lath-window sills from completely natural materials, for construction sector, since 50 years.
Çapra, connects it’s half century experience, with technology and it Works in it’s own institution which is 2500 m2 it attachs importance to quality with it’s modern service. It signs to rich colours, design choices and economical solutions.
Located in Manisa, ÇAPRA utilizes the leading Italian production technology. In this new technology the excess water in the mixture is not transferred to the second layer of the tile, so it is filtered by special fitler during vibration and sucked by a vacuum system while applying 250 tons pressure on the tile. Then supported by steam furnaces, which accalerate freezing times and standardize cement. We are regularly Selling: terrazzo tiles, l-shaped stair steps, terrazzo covering elements, wimdow sills, wall covering elements, laths, all terrazzo products. |