Kinbio Tech. Co. manufactures equipment and raw materials for rapid test industry. We have been involved in this field since 1998 and aim to be a one stop supplier for rapid diagnostic test researchers and manufacturers. Our products could be used in colloidal gold conjugated immunoassay such as lateral flow strip and flow through test. They could also be used for other rapid test such as glucose test, urine test and dry chemical test. Our equipment products include dispenser, guillotine cutter, rotary slitter, rotary cutter, cassette roller, foil pouch packer etc. Our raw material products include backing card, plastic tap film, diagnostic wicks etc. We also offer uncut sheet and related reagents to new player.
We are regularly Selling: rapid diagnostic instruments, rapid test raw materials, guillotine cutter, dispenser modules, test strip reader, rapid strip, plastic backing, cassette roller, lateral flow. |