Specializes in Surgical Hospital Equipment. As stated above: We can get you the best deal/savings on any Hospital or surgical equipment you need for your business success with quick response/Delivery. Total knee/Hip Implants
Special procedure tables for specific surgeries. ESU machines, special Microscopes for specific procedures. Sterile surgery Packs for all types of surgical procedures. Human and artificial Grafts for specific procedures (Allograft, Autograft) for Tendon Repairs. All types of Surgical Instrument Sets complete. All you Hospital care and Surgical Equipment at your finger tip to carry on your business. We are regularly Selling: hospital beds, hip prosthesis, electrical surgical unit, surgical instruments, surgical packs, hernia mesh implants, knee prosthesis, surgical microscopes, surgical procedure frame beds. We are regularly Buying: hospital beds, surgical packs, surgical instruments, knee implants, eletrical surgical units, allograftautografts, hip imlants, microscopes, procedure tables. |