Mas Consulting propose partnership in media: 1/ Magazine Business and men issn 1120-1450 destined VIP in middle east and international companies. 2/project Annaba Business School -
-Algeria. we look franchise of european or american university to exchange experiences professors and diplomas LMD, MBA, Master, Doctorate. Project will strated in 2009-2010. we need also investors for 200 000 euros. 3/Networking -consulting in investment-prepare project: franchise, tourism, real estate, international business school (height sutdies) excellent training and international professors. We are regularly Selling: business magazine, invetment consulting, real estate investment, services buy and sell, management marketing, forums of business, incentives, services vip, events. We are regularly Buying: advertising in north africa, web site, design, training, consulting, partenrship. |