VIBRANT PLUS hair care range of products covers the total hair care needs of any household and professional salon. Toddlers, Teenagers, Moms and Dads, Grandmothers and Grandfathers will all benefit by using VIBRANT PLUS as their preferred personal grooming product. Whether applied in the shower, bath or over the hair salon basin, the VIBRANT PLUS quality and effectiveness is obvious in any application. When used once, VIBRANT PLUS speaks for itself and will bring your clients back with repeat order after order. The VIBRANT PLUS range is made up of nine different products. The total personal grooming solution essential to any family, household or professional salon. The VIBRANT PLUS product range offers:
1. Leave-in Conditioner
No rinse treatment, All day conditioning, Strengthens & Repairs, Non-greasy Formula, Retains volume & body
2. Neutralising Shampoo with colour signal
Neutralises relaxer products, Restores condition, Leaves hair smooth, very soft We are regularly Selling: leave-in conditioner, oil sheen, neutralising shampoo, no drip spray, oil moisturising lotion, curl activator lotion, regular relaxer, super realaxer, hair food. |