PHOEBES ART is an experienced oil painting manufacturer based in Shenzhen, China. Impressionism, realism, original abstract paintings, and commissioned portraits from photos are among our specialties. About 90% of our business comes from exports of oil painting reproductions. Our paintings come directly from our studio and you can order them directly from our local gallery or our online gallery. All of our paintings are 100% hand-painted.
Handmade oil paintings on canvas!
Custom oil paintings from your pictures!
Skilled artists with over 10 years of painting experience! Bilingual language service! Our customer service representatives and quality control department are eager to answer your questions!
Safe and fast delivery! We ship worldwide!
Just enjoy the beauty and vitality an oil painting can bring you! We are ready and eager to work with you, to resolve problems and provide you with the very best service. We believe that our motto: "For All We are regularly Selling: oil paintings, reproduction oil paintings, decoration oil painting, modern abstract oil painting, impressionist oil painting, custom portrait paintings, mediterrean oil paintings, chinese oil paintings, landscape oil painting. |