We develope our Ideas of Health and Care, from Bio-Teas of Suppliers, offered in Fair price to our Clients, mostly in their Senior Years. In this way, we help Support the Farmers in their Land of origin. We import the Adaptogen: Jiaogulan (Sc. Name: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum), and its Products; Reishi Pilz Powder & Ginseng Extract, & Green Tea Extract to resell in the EC Comunity. We are regularly Selling: jiaogulan wild tea, jiaogulan powder, jiaogulan losetea, green tea sencha, reishi pilz powderextract, ginseng extract, jiaogulan gelvege-caps, reishi vege caps, ginseng vege caps. We are regularly Buying: jiaogulan lose tea, jaiogulan powder, jiaogulan wild tea, reishi pilz powderextract, ginseng extract, green tea senchaextract, jiaogulan ladies accessoire. |