We introduce our self as one of the pioneer Manufacture and supplier of all kinds of Laboratory Glassware, Plastic Ware, Thermometers, Ovens, Over Head Projector, Microscopes, Incubators, Slide Projector, Biological Models and other Scientific Instruments having a technical excellence of 35 years in trade for Educational, Scientific, Medical, Research, Industrial Laboratories & Bio-Medical Institutes.
Having skilled labor and a very personal touch of services we can provide you Consistent Quality at a very Economical Prices, early in time. We are making flask upto 50000ml, and any type of fabrications of special design is also done here. GLACIER is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company and is also awarded with: -
Award of National Excellence and Noble Ratan Shri Award. You can also visit us at glacierindia. com We are regularly Selling: scientific, laboratory, glassware, plasticware, charts, models, microscopes, labware. |