Translation: Romanian » English
suntem o companie din bucuresti romania. producem, vindem, montam toata gama de produse de protectie solara. jaluzele verticale, jaluzele orizontale, rulouri textile, rulouri exterioare, plase de insecte. livram oriunde in lume preturi mici, calitate inalta, termen de executie rapid
we are a company in Bucharest, romania. produce, sell, mounted whole range of products for solar protection. vertical blinds, horizontal blinds, textile rolls, rolls outside, insect nets. deliver anywhere in the world
low prices, high quality, the quick execution We are regularly Selling: vertical blinds, rolo blinds, aluminiu blinds, rolo shooters, nets screen. We are regularly Buying: vertical material, aluminium, aluminiu slats, rolo material. |