Est, Okosco enterprice have being importing since 9 years in togo, our company have reliabel wholesler in part of west africa, also we in 3 countries in west african, this make us the leading importer We are regularly Selling: car pars, second hand shoesand clothing, used car and trucks, stocklot of shoeshandbags and beltin all kinds, compressorrefregheration, used factory machine for textilsfabrics machie, shoes factory reject in all kinds, lace appereal, used pc monitor in flactback laptop. We are regularly Buying: stocklot of shoeshandbags and beltin all kind, car pars, compressorrefregheartion, used factory machine for textilsfabrics machie, shoes factory reject in all kind, second hand shoesand clothing, used pc monitor in flactback laptop, lace appereal, used car and trucks. |