MACY INTS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MIMCO), Serving valued business colleagues around the world in various fields while keeping in view the best and timely services at supreme priority. Successful certifications of ISO 9001, CE Mark and cGMp reflect
MACY INTS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MIMCO), skills and continuous commitment to the excellence. MACY INTS MANUFACTURING COMPANY (MIMCO), is committed for creations, manufacturing and supplies of prime quality products in the fields of Surgical, Cardiovascular, Dental, Beauty Care & TC Instruments. We would like to introduce you exporter & importers for manicure pedicure (beauty care products). We are serving all sorts of scissors, cuticle nippers, nail cutters, Eye brow tweezers and pushers etc. Beside that our company is striving to keep a continuous grip over the quality and service standards and have been taking every possible measures in this regards. We are regularly Selling: cuticle scissors, cuticle nippers, cuticle pushers, nail cutters, tip cutters, razor scissors, tweezers, nail files, manicure kits. |