Sandstorm Kenya began as the leading maker of luxury safari tents in East Africa, we now use the same skills and materials to make luxury travel bags, work bags, ladies bags and other accessories in canvas & leather and full leather right here in Nairobi. In fact we believe that we make the best canvas & leather bags in the world, and we're busy building an international brand that Kenya can be proud of.
We have three retail shops at Lenana Forest Centre on Ngong Road, at Village Market and at Diani Beach where you can view our products, what we produce are perfect authentically Kenyan, yet contemporary and highly memorable corporate reward - an ideal gift for visitors, or incentive for colleagues, customers or suppliers. We are regularly Selling: travel bags, work bags, ladies bags, small accessories, outdoor accessories. We are regularly Buying: canvas, leather, african camel, pull up leather, pelage leather. |