EL NISSI UTILITY NIGERIA LIMITED was established on 5th June,2010 and is temporary located at 14, Adenola Street, off Tipper Bus Stop, Ketu, Lagos, Nigeria.
El Nissi Utility as at present, is an Entrepreneur business company solely to be an Agent to some companies in the United Arab Emirate that are into building materials businesses particularly in Dubai.
The mission of my company is to establish mutual benefits and trust relationship among her business partners in the United Arab Emirate countries by been dedicated, diligent and loyal which will enhance the promotion and success growth of the business of the company involve with.
At presence, we are just started and having four (4) staff with different education qualification. Our financial stand and strength are still small.
The vision is to expand and having branches in other cities by having a very strong managerial team in policy making and running of the company's business.
We are regularly Selling: floor tiles, building glass, wall materials, bath appliances, doors windows, locks, pipes tubes, stone marble, metallic materials. We are regularly Buying: floor tiles, uilding glass, all materials, th appliances, rs windows, locks, pipes tubes, one marble, lic materials. |