GlobalPolychem LLC is a trading company and offers value added products and services to our clients utilizing its resources to the fullest. We carefully learn our client’s requirement and provide solution based on their needs. We focus on providing excellent service by providing quality product as per each and every client’s requirement. Most of our clients are overseas and we have strong network of independent agents in different countries as they represent our company products and services in their country and help building a strong business relationship with our clients. Industries we serve are: •Energy & Mining
•Food Processing & Packaging
•Aerospace & Defense
•Architecture & Engineering
•Industrial Equipment & Supplies
•Chemical & Petrochemical
•Marine Industries We are regularly Selling: crude oil, carbon black oil, bunker fuel, tank bottoms, distillates, asphaltbitumen, fuel oil, natural gasoline, naphthalene. We are regularly Buying: crude oil, carbon black oil, bunker fuel, tank bottoms, distillates, asphaltbitumen, fuel oil, natural gasoline, naphthalene. |