Merzouga Safaris Tours is a Berber family in
the desert that we specialize, for several
years, organizing travel routes, Great Tours
In Morocco, Desert Trips, Camel Trekkin and
discovering the beauty of Morocco. In our travels, travelers are escorted to
discover the charm that hides the desert
dunes to live and spend time with families
desert nomads, to mingle with the locals at
markets and car travel in 4×4 all fields of
the country. www. We are regularly Selling: morocco tours, desert trips, organizer, safaris 4x4, camel trekking, sahara desert trips, excursions 4x4, expeditions 4x4, nights in desert. We are regularly Buying: morocco safaris tours, excursions 4x4 desert, camel trekking tours, sahara safaris 4x4, morocco tours organizer, desert trips morocco, adventures 4x4 camel quad moto, services travel morocco, desert tours from marrakech or fes. |