Bahajid International, are a private Establishment, founded in Sudan 2008, Main Office located in Khartoum, El-Souk AL-Arabi, Office No. 18 3rd. FL, El-Nakhil Building. Dealing with: General trade, Imports, Exports, Freight-Forwarding and, business consultations.
We are having all ability to handling out whatsoever Business-Agencies in Sudan in favor of Expected business Partners.
Our commercial documentations and records, are full-updated; And we do have a joint-Venture participation with a Workable Forwarders in Port-Sudan, as the main Sudanese Seaport. Also, we do have another Joint-venture with a Clearing-Agent in Khartoum Int'l. Airport. Meantime, we are dealing with a multiple Bidding Events in Khartoum Official & Private Firms. We are regularly Selling: logistics ddp ex works, legal sevices, marketing advertising, agricultural products, animal extracts. We are regularly Buying: photocopier machines, scanners machines, stationery items. |