Meram Andezit is a mining company that produces rare
grey andesite in its quarry which has 500 years reserve. The precision made products are processed in a 18.000
m2 facilities located in Saglik town of Konya. Meram
Andezit's expertise has provided breakthroughs in varied
industries. The company maintains a world-class andesite
as bordure, wall coping, floor tile, stroke wall covering, cubic stone, rain gutter etc. As one of the leading
manufacturers with 200.000 m2/year capacity in Turkey, Meram Andezit supplies the strong demands of
governmental projects and private companies in very short
time with its experienced mining and production team. We are regularly Selling: andezit, andazit, andesite, porphyry, gray andesiteporphyry, pink andesiteporphyry. We are regularly Buying: slate, andesite, porphyry. |