Anhui weibaite leather factory was founded in 2005, is a professional engaged in leather production and processing of private enterprise, has more than 100 employees. Factory production, product quality, variety complete, including: business card bag, key bag, purse, bag, suit bag, passport folders, briefcases, belt, handbags, leather gift set, factories in order to "strictly the quality of each product, cherish every chance of service" business philosophy, strictly the quality pass, from every aspect of a small sample preparation, mold, material until the handmade process, are trying to refine on, seriously do every thing. At the same time, the factory put great effort in product design, changes of insight into consumer demand, development and follow the international fashion trend, constantly bring forth the new through the old in the types and styles of leather goods, quality improvement, and strive to build a boutique marketking ofbrand. We are regularly Selling: wallet, decorative bag, key case, non-woven bag. We are regularly Buying: bag materials, pu, leather. |