K&C Plastic Manufactory Guangzhou Kingcle glassware Packing
Co., Ltd. is specializing in ODM/OEM glass
perfume bottle manufacturer in China
more than 14 years. With years of
experience in glass perfume bottle
packing industry, we are professional
... Member since 11 May, 2013, China - Guangdong
Kocel Celik Esya San. Ltd. Sti. We have been working since 1977 in Istanbul. We are the company working with not only Turkey-wide but also universal. In our products with keeping the functionality, longevity and esthetics forefront, we intend to the higher performance, labour forc... Member since 25 July, 2009, Turkey - Istanbul
Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer, Importer / Exporter Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products
Kremenchukgumotechnika We specialize in production of rotary shaft-seals with garter spring (oil-seals). Rubber-metal bounded seals - is our main product group. But also we make: rubber parts for brake systems, silent-blocks, protective rubber boots, different rubber plugs... Member since 3 February, 2008, Ukraine - Poltavs'ka Oblast
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