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27 Trade Leads found that match your criteria.
Results for: "Gsm" and "fixed" and "wireless" and "terminal"
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Bid Type Language / Subject
0Sell16 Ports GSM FWT Gateway
SF1601 is a 16 Ports GSM FWT Gateway. It can produce a FXS line to allow a regular phone to be conn... ...urpose, etc. It is not a VOIP gateway, nor a GSM+VOIP gateway, It is a GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal that produces a Analog FXS phone line. 1. It is a 16 P... ..., etc. It is not a VOIP gateway, nor a GSM+VOIP gateway, It is a GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal that produces a Analog FXS phone line. 1. It is a 16 Ports GSM ... ... is not a VOIP gateway, nor a GSM+VOIP gateway, It is a GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal that produces a Analog FXS phone line. 1. It is a 16 Ports GSM FWT Gatew...

Posted on: 2013-09-09 from Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Hong Kong
0Sell4 Channels GSM Gateway
SF4001B is a 4 Channels GSM Gateway. It can produce a FXS line to allow a regular phone to be connecte... ...urpose, etc. It is not a VOIP gateway, nor a GSM+VOIP gateway, It is a GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal that produces a Analog FXS phone line. 1. It is a 4 Ch... ..., etc. It is not a VOIP gateway, nor a GSM+VOIP gateway, It is a GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal that produces a Analog FXS phone line. 1. It is a 4 Channels GS... ... is not a VOIP gateway, nor a GSM+VOIP gateway, It is a GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal that produces a Analog FXS phone line. 1. It is a 4 Channels GSM Gateway...

Posted on: 2013-09-09 from Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Hong Kong
0Sell8-port SIM Cards GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal
SF8001B is a 8-channel GSM fixed wireless terminal. It can produce a FXS line to allow a regular phon... SF8001B is a 8-channel GSM fixed wireless terminal. It can produce a FXS line to allow a regular phone to b... SF8001B is a 8-channel GSM fixed wireless terminal. It can produce a FXS line to allow a regular phone to be connect... SF8001B is a 8-channel GSM fixed wireless terminal. It can produce a FXS line to allow a regular phone to be connected and us...

Posted on: 2013-09-09 from Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Hong Kong
0SellManufacture antenna
...The frequencies of our antennas cover 10-6000MHz currently, widely used in GSM, CDMA, DVB, DMB, DAB-T, 3G,GPS, ISM, TD-SCDMA, WLAN wireless equipments, s... ...M, TD-SCDMA, WLAN wireless equipments, such as mobile, wireless pay phone, fixed wireless phone/terminal, PCMCIA card, vehicle wireless device, etc, widely used in GSM, CDMA, DVB, DMB, DAB-T, 3G,GPS, ISM, TD-SCDMA, WLAN wireless equipments, such as mobile, wireless pay phone, fixed wireless phone/termi... ...eless equipments, such as mobile, wireless pay phone, fixed wireless phone/terminal, PCMCIA card, vehicle wireless device, etc

Posted on: 2013-07-25 from China - Beijing
0SellTM2000D GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT) for Connection to Phone and PABX
Functions 1. Support GSM900MHz/1800MHz/850Mhz/1900Mhz 2. Easy to install and maintain; 3. Allow P...

Posted on: 2012-11-18 from China - Guangdong
0SellSupply TM2000D-4 Quad Band 4-Line GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT)
GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication terminal, Quad Bands GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal ... GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication termin... GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication terminal, Quad ... GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication terminal, Quad Bands GSM...

Posted on: 2012-11-18 from China - Guangdong
0SellTM2000D GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT) for Connection to Phone and PABX
Functions 1. Support GSM900MHz/1800MHz/850Mhz/1900Mhz 2. Easy to install and maintain; 3. Allow P...

Posted on: 2012-11-18 from China - Guangdong
0SellSupply TM2000D-4 Quad Band 4-Line GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT)
GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication terminal, Quad Bands GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal ... GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication termin... GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication terminal, Quad ... GSM/gprs, FCT/Voice GSM fixed wireless terminal, GSM gateway,4 ports gsm modem, GSM communication terminal, Quad Bands GSM...

Posted on: 2012-11-18 from China - Guangdong
0SellGprs Converter
GPRS DTU - RS232 RS485 data network through GSM wireless network transmission equipment, and only need an open GPRS SIM ca... ... parameters, it can be serial input transparent transmission to the public fixed IP or domain name on the host, and can acceptfeedback command on the serve... GPRS DTU - RS232 RS485 data network through GSM wireless network transmission equipment, and only need an open GPRS SIM card, simpl... ...on the host, and can acceptfeedback command on the server. GPRS DTU (Data Terminal unit) full name of the data transmission unit is designed for serial data ...

Posted on: 2012-02-14 from China - Shandong
  Consumer Electronics
0SellGSM/CDMA 8 channals Fixed Wireless Terminal FWT
We research and manufacture FWT (Fixed wireless Terminal); GSM GATEWAY; 8 ports FWT 4 ports FWT Function: -It is a 4/8 channals GSM... We research and manufacture FWT (Fixed wireless Terminal); GSM GATEWAY; 8 ports FWT 4 ports FWT Function: ... We research and manufacture FWT (Fixed wireless Terminal); GSM GATEWAY; 8 ports FWT 4 ports FWT Function: -It is a ... We research and manufacture FWT (Fixed wireless Terminal); GSM GATEWAY; 8 ports FWT 4 ports FWT Function: -It is a 4/8 chann...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellGSM 8 ports FWT
SZRUNSUN TECHNOLOGY Fixed wireless terminal GSM FWT CDMA FWT CDMA 800MHz 1900MHz GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz call origina... SZRUNSUN TECHNOLOGY Fixed wireless terminal GSM FWT CDMA FWT CDMA 800MHz 1900MHz GSM 850/900/180... SZRUNSUN TECHNOLOGY Fixed wireless terminal GSM FWT CDMA FWT CDMA 800MHz 1900MHz GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz... SZRUNSUN TECHNOLOGY Fixed wireless terminal GSM FWT CDMA FWT CDMA 800MHz 1900MHz GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz call or...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellSzrunsun GSM 8 ports FWT with 8SIM/32SIM/64SIM auto IMEI update
GSM FWT, GSM BOX for call termination and origination Change IMEI by command. IMEI a... ...rmination and origination Change IMEI by command. IMEI auto update GSM Fixed Wireless terminal - GSM 850MHz 900MHz 1800MHz 1900MHz  -Call termination... ...ion and origination Change IMEI by command. IMEI auto update GSM Fixed Wireless terminal - GSM 850MHz 900MHz 1800MHz 1900MHz  -Call termination & call o... ...rigination Change IMEI by command. IMEI auto update GSM Fixed Wireless terminal - GSM 850MHz 900MHz 1800MHz 1900MHz  -Call termination & call originatio...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellGSM 8 ports Fixed wireless terminal (FWT)
YS-FWT Gateway (YS-FT2008-8) 01) GSM 850MHz 900MHz 1800MHz 1900MHz CDMA 450MHz 800MHz 1900MHz 02) Stand...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellGSM FWT, CDMA FWT, FWT with IMEI changer, SIM auto rotate FWT
FWT, Fixed wireless terminal, 8 ports FWT, GSM 8 ports FWT with IMEI changer, 8 ports FWT with 32 cards, SIM auto rotate... FWT, Fixed wireless terminal, 8 ports FWT, GSM 8 ports FWT with IMEI changer, 8 por... FWT, Fixed wireless terminal, 8 ports FWT, GSM 8 ports FWT with IMEI changer, 8 ports FWT wi... FWT, Fixed wireless terminal, 8 ports FWT, GSM 8 ports FWT with IMEI changer, 8 ports FWT with 32 car...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellGSM 8 channals FWT with 32 SIM Cards (4SIMs auto rotate)
We specialize in: GSM/CDMA Gateway, FWT (Fixed Wireless Terminal), WLL (Wireless Local Loop) -... We specialize in: GSM/CDMA Gateway, FWT (Fixed Wireless Terminal), WLL (Wireless Local Loop) -Call termination & call o... We specialize in: GSM/CDMA Gateway, FWT (Fixed Wireless Terminal), WLL (Wireless Local Loop) -Call termination & call origination -Network Support: GSM... We specialize in: GSM/CDMA Gateway, FWT (Fixed Wireless Terminal), WLL (Wireless Local Loop) -Call termination & call origination -Netwo...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellGSM 8 channals Fixed Wireless Terminal with IMEI changing function
...OIP Gateway. -Simple to install and easy to maintain -Network Support: GSM 850 MHz 900 MHz 1800 MHz 1900 MHz CDMA 800MHz -IMEI changing fu... ...Polarity reversal -Barred telephone numbers can be set flexibly -Locking wireless terminal, Locking SIM card, Locking districts and locking network -Connec... ...reversal -Barred telephone numbers can be set flexibly -Locking wireless terminal, Locking SIM card, Locking districts and locking network -Connection mode...

Posted on: 2012-03-19 from China - Guangdong
0SellAuot IMEI changer FWT, auto SIM rotate FWT, Base station Rotate FWT
GSM Fixed Wireless terminal GSM FWT GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz -Call termination & call origination -Network Supp... GSM Fixed Wireless terminal GSM FWT GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz -Call termination &... GSM Fixed Wireless terminal GSM FWT GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz -Call termination & call ori... GSM Fixed Wireless terminal GSM FWT GSM 850/900/1800/1900MHz -Call termination & call origination ...

Posted on: 2012-02-06 from China - Guangdong
0SellGsm fixed wireless terminal
Sagem RL300 FIXED GSM GATEWAY gsm fixed mobile convergence voice and sms services GSM supplementary servic... Sagem RL300 FIXED GSM GATEWAY gsm fixed mobile convergence voice and sms services GSM supplementary services inc...

Posted on: 2011-04-18 from China - Guangdong
0SellQuadband gsm fixed wireless terminal
... domestic, local calls, fixed/mobile voice business  Support both GSM and PSTN, Wont change the original dialing habit, support fixed and mobile... ...and characteristics Support the international and domestic, local calls, fixed/mobile voice business  Support both GSM and PSTN, Wont change the... 1. Product Application The enterprise wireless access business (many operators access); Wireless public phone business (...

Posted on: 2011-04-18 from China - Guangdong
0Sell4 port GSM fixed wireless terminal call platform
4 Port GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal   Features: 1. Based on GSM900MH... 4 Port GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal   Features: 1. Based on GSM900MHz/1800... 4 Port GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal   Features: 1. Based on GSM900MHz/1800MHz ... 4 Port GSM Fixed Wireless Terminal   Features: 1. Based on GSM900MHz/1800MHz 2. In...

Posted on: 2011-04-18 from China - Guangdong
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