- Wingspan: 78.7 in (2 m) - Overall Length: 44.7 in (1137mm) - Flying Weight: 30 oz (830 g) - Motor Size: 480 brushless outrunner, 960Kv
- Radio: Spektrum 2.4GHz DX5e with AR500 full range receiver (included) - Servos: Sub-micro 3-wire
- CG (center of gravity): 62mm behind the leading edge of the wing
- Speed Control: E-flite 30A Pro Brushless ESC with Switch-Mode BEC (EFLA1030) (included) - Recommended Battery: 11.1V 1300mAh Li-Po (PKZ1033) (included) - Approx. Flying Duration: Flight times in excess of 30 minutes when using the included ParkZone 1300mAh Li-Po battery and limited motor run
- Charger: 12V DC 2- to 3-cell Li-Po balancing
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