English Name:1,3-Bis[Tris (hydroxyethyl) methylamino] Propane
Molecular Formula:C11H26N2O6
Molecular Wt:282.34
Description: White crystal powder
PH (0.5% aqueous):10.4-11.0
Enterprise Standard
Application: it is an important PH stable reagent in biotic experiments. Appropriate PH is obtained by mixing mild acid and its conjugate base. Many biological responses happen in neutral condition (usually PH 6-8), so the buffering range is required to be in PH 6-8. In addition, the form
of acid-base of buffer should not chelate with some metallic ions.
Characteristics of biological buffer: 1, Strong water-solubility; 2. Compatibility of the acid-base dissociation balance; 3. Low membrance penetration rate; 4. Low metal chelating ability; 5. High chemical stability; 6. Low absorption in ultraviolet and visible region.
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