Appearance: Brown-yellow or light yellow powder, very bitter
Extract of Panax notoginseng is the dry root, stem, leaf of Panax Araliaceae Panax notoginseng (Burk.) FH Chen, the notoginseng we usually talked about is the dry root of Panax notoginseng. The raw ones has the function to stop bleeding and strengthen heart, relief bruising and increase new cells, reduce swelling and pain obviously; the ripe ones has the benefits to alive blood, increase blood, strengthen the body and so on. Li Shi Zhen, a Well-known medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty called it as “a medicine can not be changed with gold “in the "Compendium of Materia Medica". In the early Qing Dynasty medical book "Compendium of Materia Medica theft by finding", said: " Ginseng is the first choice to compensate energy, Panax notoginseng is t
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