X-431 Diagun is a specially
designed diagnostic tool for
automotive technicians. Compact
main unit, powerful diagnostic
functions, fast and convenient
update, universal connectors, make it the first choice for
technicians. X-431 Diagun is the
standard equipment for
technicians. Product character
1. Compact main unit, Standard
equipment for technicians
2. The only diagnostic tool which
can work on two vehicles at the
same time
3. Bluetooth technology, wireless
communication. 100 m bluetooth
communication, Cable
communication support
4. Universal 16PIN connector
5. Fully inherited diagnostic
functions from X-431. Capable of
nearly all domestic vehicle makes
and Asian, European, American
vehicle makes. 6. Greatly improved program
running speed
7. More convenient software
8. 4.3 inch high luminance, high
resolution color touch screen
9. 1530mAh Rechargeable
10. 1G memory card
11. Standard USB printer
connector, external printer
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