Product Specifications: Forward Voltage (If):2.9V-3.3V
Reverse Current (Ir): 5V
Forward Current (Ifm): 20mA
Reverse Voltage (Vr): 5V
Dominant Wavelength: 0.24nm-0.26nm
Spectral Line Half Width:30nm
Peak Forward Current: (1/10 duty cycle, 0.1ms pulse width) IFP: 60mA
Power Descruption (Pd): 66mW
Uniformity >75%
Long Lifetime: 5000 hrs -10,000hrs. Working Frequency: 400-1000Hz
Operating Temperature Range (Topr): -20℃~+70℃ Storage Temperature Range (Tstg): -30℃~+80℃ Product features: Professional manufacturer. High brightness without lightspot. Excellent color consistency. Low power consumption. Highspeed response. High anti-pressure ability
Green eco-friendly products are in line with CE, EU RoHS standard. Free sample with SGS material. Better service. No matter what colors and sizes of LED backlight can be offered according to Customer’s requirements.
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