Zinc chloride method wood based activated carbon for pharmaceutical&injection
1.production process
1.Choosing raw material
3.Drying the sawdust, moisture 10%
4.Adding the zinc chloride solution
5.Carbonized and activated
,6.Testing the semi product
Acid washing
7.Water washing
Testing the semi product
Drying and crushing
1.Item Zinc chloride method wood based activated carbon
2.Grade AAA (food grade) 3.Model ED-ZnAC-15
4.Raw material Chinese fir sawdust
5.Methylene blue decoloration 15-18 ml/0.1g
6.sulfate value Less than 0.1%
7. Iodine value 1000mg/g
8.Iron content 150- 200ppm
9.Ash content 3%
10.PH Value 4-5 or 4-6
11.Moisture content 10%
12.Chloride 400ppm
13.Mesh size 200mesh or 325mesh
14.Package 20kg/bag 20FCL:10T 40FCT 20T
15. Supply ability 300T/Month
More information and latest price please contact Ann free. Or call me +86 13767188564
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