ABS Braking System Instructional Package Vechile Engineering Model
I. Overview
1.The use of Honda Accord ABS System. Such teaching experiments can be conducted as follows: comprehensively simulating the influence of ABS system on the driving, detecting the engine system all the time, directly simulating, inspecting and eliminating the faults of the oil lines and circuits of the ABS system, and inspecting the fault codes and data streams so it is conveniently used. 2.Real-time pointer display for the hydraulic pressure of master cylinder and sub-cylinder
3.LED display for the working state of solenoid valve and hydraulic pump
4.Color diagrams of electric and oil circuits of the original car
5.The speed adjusted by an adjustable speed motor
6.Automatic power-off device to avoid anti-delaying the motor and effectively protect the electrical components
7.Patent design to make the demonstration of braking process more obvious and intuitive
8.Data output interface for the e
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