Can Galaxy S3 be a wireless
charging device?
As the debut of Galaxy S4, inductive charging function has
been the blueprint of future
mobile. However, Galaxy S3 is
actually not the first mobile with
wireless charging function, Galaxy
S3 does. Therefore, the only
question remained to take
advantages of inductive charging
from the beast NFC mobile is to
find out an appropriate QI
charger antenna for Galaxy S3. The wireless charging antenna
with NFC for Galaxy S3 is
designed to solve the problem
once and for all.
Wireless charger
antenna with NFC for Galaxy S3: 1. No one will need two antenna
when they can use just one. Therefore, the two in one
antenna from Sunshine Good
Electronic can provide users a
money saving and easier way to
enjoy near field communication
and wireless charging. 2. It is a rare thing to find out an
antenna that can be in
compliance with international
approvals like EMV, NFC, ISO and
QI at the same time.
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