We wishes to inform all the
buyer's of (OIL AND GAS) that our
Seller have on-board vessel of D2
product with 100,000 mt on its
route to Rotterdam while Mazut
M100 with 100,000 mt currently
it way to Ningbo Port China, which will be re-routed to Buyer
destination port. Therefore, if You're Buying
Company are Willing, Capable and
Ready to Pick-up the Product, then We Request you to issue an
Official ICPO for Our Seller to
For your Buyer perusal and
signing to proceed.
1. Buyer issues Irrevocable
Corporate Purchase Order (ICPO). 2. Seller issues contract for
review and endorsement by all
parties. 3. Seller issues Proof of Product
and Shipping document as listed
below: A. Certificate of Origin
B. Company License to Export
C. Company Registration
Certificate. D. Product Passport (Dip Test
Result) E. Charter Party Agreement
F. Vessel Tanker Details. G. Bill of Lading
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