Hand-Push Thermoplastic Road Marking Machine Marking Width is 100, 150, 200, 300mm, and thickness is 1.5-2.5mm through adjusting the screeding knife. 1.Ideal machine for medium-sized and small marking jobs in urban areas and road. 2.The screeding structure makes the markings straight and beautiful. 3.Easily operative to ensure the marking speed and quality. 4.Dual-use machine, also can change marking shoe for zebra crossing marking. Technical Parameter of JLSRG Road Marking Machine
No. Item Spec. 1 Paint Tank 55L (Erect type stirring device, Heating and keeping the temperature automatically) 2 Marking Mode Screeding with marking shoe
3 Marking Shoe=Line Width 100/150/200/300/400/450mm (Optional) 4 Glass Beads Bin 12L (Bin with window, which can check the quantity of glass beads) 5 Glass Beads Dispenser Automatic quantitative dispenser synchronous with the paint screeding system
6 Standard Configuration 150mm Marking shoe (High temperature, oxidation and deformation resistanc
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