Sucke rrod anti-partial coupling
2. 3/4'' 5/8'' 7''
3. Application
It applied to eccentric wear oil pump, especially the oil pump and directional deflecting well in which the eccentric wear is above the neutral point. If the eccentric wear is below the neutral point, it can be used together with the nylon centralizer to get a better eccentric wear prevention result. 4. Structure and Work Principle
The core technology is to coat AOC-160 alloy powder on the surface of sucker rod coupling. The coating which is thicker than 0.25mm is wear resistant, corrosion resistant and low friction. Wear resistance is 10 times of normal coupling and it reduces 3 times of abrasion. 5. Product characteristics
It is a new developed tool to prevent eccentric wear. Simple structure, convenient operation, long service life and low cost.
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