Product Description
Shanghai Shunky Machinery Co.,Ltd is a manufacture for producing the screening and crushing equipment. The JCE crusher is the latest popular jaw crusher. It is the first choice to crush hard and strong corrosive materials, as the JCE European Jaw Crusher is one of the most advanced crushers. Features
1.Manufacturing technique is of world class; 2.The movable jaw assembly is of more advanced technology. It adopts high quality welding technology, and the eccentric shaft is elaborate; 3.Integral cast steel structure is adopted for bearing seat to ensure the complete match with the frame; 4.Finite Element Analysis is adopted to strengthen the crusher; 5.The crushing chamber adopts "V" shape structure, which makes the feeding port's actual width be in accordance with the nominal. 6.Discharging port adjustment is quicker and more convenient. Wedge block adjustment device is easier, safer and faster. 7.Larger and more wearable main bearing is used to lengthen
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