HF6000-4 semi-automatic coagulation analyzer has a bench-top design and is ideal for small and medium-sized hospitals, laboratories and clinical centers. Four channels for the same item of four persons or for four different items of one person. ngwqbfv
Features: 1. Analysis methods: photo-electric detection magnetic beads method, free from the interference of jaundice, hemolysis, chyle, turbidity and bubble
2. More accurate than optical method, good repeatability
3. Detection range: wide detection range of Fibrinogen. Various abnormal plasma with ultrahigh or ultralow fibrinogen can be tested. 4. Incubation timer, sound and light alert. 5. A combination of manual and automatic measuring, avoid artificial error
Four channels detection. Two modes (the same item of four persons and four different items of one person) switchable by one click. 6. Humanized design, reversible display screen, can be adjusted at a comfortable angle
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