The Cogeneration Unit is still operational and is in place. The unit was used right up to switching over to a new more efficient unit. This unit has been maintained on a regular basis.
Sale includes:
A. One Superior model 825 715 Horse Power, 8 cylinder engine, Variable dual gas, 10.5” stroke.
B. Muffler system and hardware that are not a part of the permanent building or the removal of which would not change the physical characteristics of the building.
C. One engine / generator isolated mounting apparatus to prevent excessive vibration and noise reduction created by engine and generator.
D. One Kato C254430000 generator, serial number WT-8340.
E. Two lube bank cylindrical tanks and plumbing up to capped permanent plumbing or electrical connections.
F. One IT Standard PF35 Heat exchanger and plumbing up to capped permanent plumbing or electrical connections.
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